Saturday, February 25, 2006

Don't Miss New Orleans

We're in New Orleans for Mardi Gras. Visiting an old friend in time of trouble. Here's how she's doing at least from our perspective of a few hours as tourists.

The cat's on a balcony in the Quarter decorated with Mardi Gras garlands.

Post-hurricane t-shirts are sold amongst the usual New Orleans souvenirs. Miriam models hers.

Bourbon Street is still filled with dancing, bead-flinging and drinking.

There were three parades. D'etat used their floats to comment on recent events.

These guys' banner says FEMA on one side and DEMA on the other: Dictators Emergency Management Agency.

This is the Adjuster float

The "Who Dropped It?" Float.

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1 comment:

Pat Arnow said...

Hi Reba,
I'll look for those things and post more pictures.